Monday 26 May 2014

Things my Mom never told me about Love.

                                        So,Yes! It is one of those posts related to Love.I know I am not Nicholas Sparks.But I know a thing or two about love.I always have these discussions with my mother and her definition of love is something different.It's about after effects."Find a mature guy"she says."Amma,mature guys aren't fun",I argued. "All guys are fun" ,she came up with this I don't know how. And don't get my Amma (mother) wrong, she married for love.She found love when she was 18.And thus got married! And after 25 years of ups and downs,they are still going strong.Moving on,I am still single and here I am writing about it.And yes my life is sad! Not really proud of it. *Smug face*
                                       Everybody has this different perception on love.People with broken hearts,old married couples,teen-lovers and singles.Different perceptions of love and different types of love.When you talk or debate about it with somebody there is no end to it.But these perceptions can be generalised somewhere,Like categorised between good looking people and the average looking ones,rich and well...middle class!etc. But seldom you find a thought so pure that it makes your heart sob.
                                     I once had this project whose description is not important.I went to Kamathipura (Mumbai's biggest red light area) *yes I am cool* and interviewed a transgender .When I got her comfortable into having a proper conversation.I asked her about the hardships she faced into her day to day life.She listed down a couple of regular things that we already knew.People being completely inhuman to them! Which were heart-wrenching to hear. But then I asked her about her love life. She blushed and ironically her name was Rose I was amused at her expression. Rose,then narrated her story to me,How she fell in love with a customer and how he accepted her as a partner.The way she described her love towards the man,how he spoke,what he laughed at,what he loved about her and how they spent their time.I was put to shame being a girl.But some months later she found out that he was already married and had a kid with his wife.She was broken.Still he talked her into being her lover,and she agreed to it. I was confused."Why?" I asked her."Love is never selfish,you never ever forget your first love no matter how much you deny it.It happens only once,whatever happens later are just adjustments and replacements.Even though I knew he lied to me,but his love for me was never a lie.Once you give some one your heart,You accept that person with all the flaws.It is just that way it is.",She smiled."Always remember this". "I will" I smiled back. I sensed her genuineness.
 I really had a lot of thoughts in my mind that day! But at the end of the day I made peace with the fact that,
It is the way it is. :)